We visited the Rock and Gem/Gem and Bead Show in Staffordshire on 21st June and what a revelation that was. What an amazing variety of gemstones, ores and crystals there were and a wealth of information to go with them. I was on complete overload with many types of stones on display that I hadn't even heard of! Of course I was in my element and wanted everything I saw, a bit like a child in a sweetshop really. Some things I just couldn't resist purchasing particularly the unusual stuff and even when I got home I still kept taking the gemstones out of the bag to look at them again! Yes I have a hopeless case of the gem and bead bug which once you have contracted you have for life I'm afraid.
Continuing my quest to learn how to make my own jewellery, I met a stall holder at the show who kindly offered to give his time to teach me how to make earrings. He and his daughter were really helpful and let me use their tools and findings. I don't know what his name was but he looked like an American Indian with long hair and has a lapidiary shop in Burslem. He also invited me to his shop where he said he would teach me to make bracelets next time! What lovely people I meet on my travels.
Visit us at: http://www.justsosilver.co.uk/
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